
ASCII Art, Animation, and Utilities

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asciisplash - Launch a fun splashy screen of ASCIImatics animations


asciisplash [-a] [-b] [-C] [-c numcycles] [-d] [-j] [-J] [-m] [-p] [-s song] [-u]

NOTE: asciisplash can be run by invoking asciiville [-S] ...

See man asciiville for details on how to front-end asciisplash with asciiville


The asciisplash command plays one of the ASCIImatics animations included in Asciiville. It’s a fun demonstration of some of the capabilities of the ASCIImatics library. By default, asciisplash will play a series of animations about MusicPlayerPlus. Command line options can be used to tell asciisplash to play animations for the Julia Set or a Plasma animation as well as play a public domain audio to accompany the ascii art display.


indicates play audio accompaniment
indicates play alternate audio accompaniment
-c numcycles
specifies the number of times to cycle
indicates use alternate comments in Plasma effect
enabled debug mode
indicates use Julia Set effect and play multiple zooms with different parameters
indicates use Julia Set effect
indicates use MusicPlayerPlus effect
indicates use Plasma effect
-s song
specifies the audio file to use as accompaniment
displays this usage message and exits

Without any options the MusicPlayerPlus effect will repeat


Without options asciisplash will play a series of animations about MusicPlayerPlus. These will repeat until the ‘q’ key is pressed.
asciisplash -c 10
Plays the MusicPlayerPlus ASCIImatics animations 10 times then exits
asciisplash -j -c 5
Plays the Julia Set ASCIImatics animation 5 times then exits
asciisplash -p
Plays the Plasma ASCIImatics animation in an endless loop until the ‘q’ key is pressed
asciisplash -p -C
Plays the Plasma ASCIImatics animation using alternate comments
asciisplash -a -c 1
Plays the MusicPlayerPlus ASCIImatics animation for one cycle accompanied by a public domain audio
asciisplash -a -j -s /u/audio/deep.wav
Plays the Julia Set ASCIImatics animation and the audio file /u/audio/deep.wav as accompaniment


Written by Ronald Record


ASCIISPLASH is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the ASCIISPLASH source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using ASCIISPLASH and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.


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asciijulia(1), asciimpplus(1), asciiplasma(1), asciisplash-tmux(1), asciiville(1)

Full documentation and sources at: