
ASCII Art, Animation, and Utilities

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termprofset - manipulate the profiles of a Gnome or Tilix terminal, or the font setting of an XFCE4 terminal


termprofset [-f fontname] [-s fontsize] [-p profile] [-K socket] [-gklBRStxu]


The termprofset command can be used to set or restore profile settings of a Gnome or Tilix terminal emulator, or the font setting of a Kitty or XFCE4 terminal emulator. Profile settings that can be configured by termprofset are:

When setting the profile of a terminal, the following settings are used:

The font name and font size can be specified on the command line using the -f fontname and -s fontsize options. Background color and transparency in xfce4-terminal can be set with the -B color option.

In addition to setting profile settings or font setting, termprofset can be used to save or restore profile settings or font setting saved from a previous invocation. Use the -S command line option to save the current profile or configuration settings of a terminal emulator. Use the -R command line option to indicate restore saved profile settings or font setting. In this way, termprofset can be used to manipulate a profile or font temporarily. Display ascii art with a customized profile or font then restore the original profile or font settings.

Current profile or font settings can be listed with the -l option.

The termprofset command is used by the show_ascii_art command when displaying Ascii Art. During Ascii Art displays the font size is manipulated to produce higher resolution character graphics during art display while setting the font size higher for Figlet text display. The font sizes used in this command can be controlled via the art_font_size and txt_font_size values in $HOME/.config/asciiville/config. Default font sizes are 4 and 20.


indicates set background to black, no transparency
-f ‘fontname’
specifies the font name to set terminal’s font to
-s ‘fontsize’
specifies the font size to set terminal’s font to
-p ‘profile’
specifies the terminal profile to manipulate
indicates restore saved settings
indicates save original settings
indicates use Gnome terminal emulator
indicates use Kitty terminal emulator
-K ‘socket’
specifies the socket on which Kitty remote control commands are sent
indicates list current profile settings and exit
indicates use Tilix terminal emulator
indicates use Xfce4 terminal emulator
displays this usage message and exits

Default terminal emulator is Gnome

Default terminal profile is Asciiville

Default font is Monospace

Default font size is 4


Without arguments, termprofset sets the Asciiville Gnome profile with a Monospace font and font size 4
termprofset -t -s 8
Sets the Asciiville Tilix profile with a Monospace font and font size 8
termprofset -x -s 18
Sets the XFCE4 terminal with a Monospace font and font size 18
termprofset -R -t
Restores the Asciiville Tilix profile with settings saved from a previous run
termprofset -p default -t -s 18
Sets the default Tilix profile with a Monospace font and font size 18


Written by Ronald Record


TERMPROFSET is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the TERMPROFSET source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using TERMPROFSET and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.


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asciimpplus(1), asciiplasma(1), asciisplash(1), asciisplash-tmux(1), asciiville(1), show_ascii_art(1)

Full documentation and sources at: